Sunday, December 2, 2012

Journal 6 Revised- Want to Save Money

Journal 6: Want to Save Money?!?
Freak Show & Tell: Extreme Couponing, Severe Scrapbooking

The first time I ever saw the show Extreme Couponing on TLC I wondered what it was about. The first time I watched it I could not believe my eyes. Someone could buy two huge carts full of food and pay thirteen cents for it all. This article/video is about Rudy and she is a serious coupon enthusiast. Rudy estimates all her "stuff" worth around 3,500 and paid roughly $200. Rudy has to take a picture of all her grocery hauls every time she goes to the grocery store so she can remember how much stuff she got for a little price. Rudy says, "I will never stop Couponing!!"

I personally think couponing is a great idea, but I don't think I could ever go to the extreme. The reason I don’t think I could go to the extreme, because I don’t know where to start. However, if  there is a coupon in a grocery ad and it's something I need I will use the coupon, but to take the time to find different coupons online for the things you needs sounds way to time consuming for a college student. Also, whenever I get coupons in the mail for my favorite clothing stores I will go online and look to see if there is anything I need, but if there isn't anything I need I will ask one of my friends if they have a use for the coupon. Instead of using coupons I like what Kmart and Walgreen's do with their rewards card. Kmart and Walgreen have in store deals and if you present your rewards card you automatically get the deal. I feel like this is a lot less time consuming and also is saving paper because you don’t have to run the ads with all the different coupons.

Extreme Couponing Stocking Shelves

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